Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Korean slang!!

아싸 - Awesome
짱 - Cool
당근 - Of course. Literally means carrot.
돌대가리 - Retard, moron (stronger than 바보)
차다 - To dump a boyfriend or girlfriend
번개(팅) - To meet someone (in real life) that you first got to know over the internet
변태 - A pervert
공부벌레; 책벌레; 독서광 - A bookworm

붕어빵 - Used to tell a person they look like someone else. (엄마하고 딸이) 붕어 빵이네요. Also the name of red bean paste-filled pastries that resemble a carp.

돌아이 (sp?) = crazy person,
존나 - fucking, very (존나춥다! It's fucking cold!)
죽을래? - Wanna die?
슴가 (supposed to be 가슴, breasts/bosom/chest.) - (woman's) breasts.
콩다방-The Coffee Bean
디카- digital camera
플스- play station
여친- girlfriend (from 여자친구)
남친- boyfriend (from 남자친구) -both in the 'relationships' list.

얼짱- 'best' looking (as opposed to just 'good' looking)- the most beautiful/handsome person in a given group
쌩얼- a face without makeup.
음치- tone-deaf/ not being able to sing well.

멋져 – sweet!
닥쳐! = Shut up!
킹카= hot guy
괸카= hot girl
허당= someone who is easily confused [see icon XD]
완소= completely precious (from:완전 소중한)

쌈 싸 먹어!= [I think it's something like] Take it and shove it!


지못미 – said to people/celebrities when they turn out really bad in a photo (from 켜주지 해서 안해요 – Sorry I couldn’t protect you)
열공! – study hard! (from 심히 부해요)
야동 – a porno (from 하다 meaning “over the top” and 영상 meaning “video”)
넘 – short for 너무, “too” or “so”


꼬맹이 – kids from toddler’s age to early school years
학교통 – school rebel (the kid who doesn’t listen to the teachers, picks fights a lot…)
양 아치 – kids who think they are too k00l for sch00l; kids who pick fights, never study, argue with the teacher, chew chewing gum in class… that kind of thing
모범생 – opposite of a 양아치 – a kid who’s really good at school
싸 가지 – (I don’t actually know what this meaning exactly but it has the feeling of like “retard, idiot, loser”. It’s kind of harsher than those words as well)
꼴등 – dead last
길치 – a person who is hopeless with directions
몸치 – a person who can’t dance
몸짱 – a person with a good body
바람둥이 – a player, a guy who dates all the girls
간지교 – a cool guy, a stylish guy
대박 – someone who’s awesome (eg. 대박이다! You’re the best!)


공주병 – “princess disease”. For girls who think they are
왕자병 – “prince disease”. For guys who think they are
족발 – the legs of girls who are overweight
간지 – coolness, stylishness
꽃미남 – “flower boys” a Korean fashion trend where the guys dress pretty like girls
짝퉁 – fake stuff
길화 – road rage
카드깡 – buying things online with someone else’s credit card and paying them back in cash


[얼굴] 망했다 – to have a really ugly [face], to be screwed up
쪽팔리다 – to be embarrassed (only use this around young people… adults get offended)
내 말을 씹다 – “to chew on my words”, to ignore everything I say (don’t say this around adults, either)
땡땡이 치다 – to wag class, to play hooky (American slang KGO!), to be truant
까먹다 – to forget
득도했다! – I finally get it!
끼어들다 – to cut someone off (내 말을 끼어들지 마! Don’t butt in while I’m talking! 저 차가 끼어들었다! That car cut me off!)
친사까다 – to act like you’re close with someone
아사까다 – to act like you know someone
구라까다 – to lie
뻥 치다 – to lie (I use and hear this more often)
맛있게 드세요 – said to someone when they have to take cards in a card game where the goal is to lose all your cards


대빵 – super (eg. 대빵 싸요! It’s super cheap!)
빡세게 – “really hard” but not the “difficult” kind of hard (eg. 공부를 빡세게 해야지 – I should study really hard)


힘내 팍팍! – You can do it! (with extra strength from the 팍팍)
멍 – sound effect for a blank stare
찌찌뽕 – like “jinx!” in English, said when two people say the same thing at the same time
헐 – OMG but only for bad things (eg. You find out you have to do pages 1-100 for homework – that’s a 헐 moment)


ㅎㅎ – (laughing sound effect)
ㅋㅋ – (another laughing sound effect)
486 – 사랑해 (from the number of strokes each 자 is made of)
8282 – quickly (from 빨리 빨리, which sounds a lot like 팔이팔이
18 – the F word (from [bad word] that sounds like 십팔)

멋져 – sweet!

Err… I think I’ll try to categorise my own nonsense list O_O


지못미 – said to people/celebrities when they turn out really bad in a photo (from 켜주지 해서 안해요 – Sorry I couldn’t protect you)
열공! – study hard! (from 심히 부해요)
야동 – a porno (from 하다 meaning “over the top” and 영상 meaning “video”)
넘 – short for 너무, “too” or “so”


꼬맹이 – kids from toddler’s age to early school years
학교통 – school rebel (the kid who doesn’t listen to the teachers, picks fights a lot…)
양 아치 – kids who think they are too k00l for sch00l; kids who pick fights, never study, argue with the teacher, chew chewing gum in class… that kind of thing
모범생 – opposite of a 양아치 – a kid who’s really good at school
싸 가지 – (I don’t actually know what this meaning exactly but it has the feeling of like “retard, idiot, loser”. It’s kind of harsher than those words as well)
꼴등 – dead last
길치 – a person who is hopeless with directions
몸치 – a person who can’t dance
몸짱 – a person with a good body
바람둥이 – a player, a guy who dates all the girls
간지교 – a cool guy, a stylish guy
대박 – someone who’s awesome (eg. 대박이다! You’re the best!)


공주병 – “princess disease”. For girls who think they are
왕자병 – “prince disease”. For guys who think they are
족발 – the legs of girls who are overweight
간지 – coolness, stylishness
꽃미남 – “flower boys” a Korean fashion trend where the guys dress pretty like girls
짝퉁 – fake stuff
길화 – road rage
카드깡 – buying things online with someone else’s credit card and paying them back in cash


[얼굴] 망했다 – to have a really ugly [face], to be screwed up
쪽팔리다 – to be embarrassed (only use this around young people… adults get offended)
내 말을 씹다 – “to chew on my words”, to ignore everything I say (don’t say this around adults, either)
땡떙이 치다 – to wag class, to play hooky (American slang KGO!), to be truant
까먹다 – to forget
도득했다! – I finally get it!
끼어들다 – to cut someone off (내 말을 끼어들지 마! Don’t butt in while I’m talking! 저 차가 끼어들었다! That car cut me off!)
친사까다 – to act like you’re close with someone
아사까다 – to act like you know someone
구라까다 – to lie
뻥 치다 – to lie (I use and hear this more often)
맛있게 드세요 – said to someone when they have to take cards in a card game where the goal is to lose all your cards


대빵 – super (eg. 대빵 싸요! It’s super cheap!)
빡세게 – “really hard” but not the “difficult” kind of hard (eg. 공부를 빡세게 해야지 – I should study really hard)


힘내 팍팍! – You can do it! (with extra strength from the 팍팍)
멍 – sound effect for a blank stare
찌찌뽕 – like “jinx!” in English, said when two people say the same thing at the same time
헐 – OMG but only for bad things (eg. You find out you have to do pages 1-100 for homework – that’s a 헐 moment)


ㅎㅎ – (laughing sound effect)
ㅋㅋ – (another laughing sound effect)
486 – 사랑해 (from the number of strokes each 자 is made of)
8282 – quickly (from 빨리 빨리, which sounds a lot like 팔이팔이
18 – the F word (from [bad word] that sounds like 십팔

credit goes to ~